Monday, May 26, 2014


Robert House (1971) proposed the Path-Goal Theory…it suggests that an effective leader is one who clears and clarifies paths for employees to accomplish both personal and professional goals,” (Reilly & Baack, 2011, chp. 5, sec. 5.2). Moreover, Locke’s (1968) goal-setting theory posits, “Goals clarify performance expectations, establish a frame of reference for feedback, and provide a basis for self-management,” (chp. 5, sec. 5.3).

Friday, May 23, 2014


According to Hahn (n.d.), “Culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for behavior,” (para. 1). The best way to handle intercultural communication is to learn as much about another culture as possible to enhance your understanding and to be able to communicate as effectively as possible.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Let us talk about the media from the early days! According to Trenholm (2008), “The old media refers to traditional one-to-many forms of mediated communication such as TV, radio, newspapers, and books,” (chp. 11, p. 298). In many ways, we still rely on traditional media or old media as the gauge to apply new media. Let us look at the traditional media or old media and its uses and the intended audiences.